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7 farms found in Murtal (from 3575)

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View of the Murtal

The Murtal: Styria in its most beautiful form

The Murtal offers much more than just the famous Red Bull Ring. In fact, it is one of the most popular holiday regions in Austria. Both in summer and winter, the region offers countless opportunities for active leisure activities, as well as numerous worthwhile sights .

The adventure region in Austria

The Murtal is perfect for unforgettable summer and winter experiences. Explore the area during extensive snowshoe hikes or discover one of the countless cross-country ski trails. The bike node system will delight all cyclists. It's structured like a spider's web, giving you the opportunity to put together your very own route. You can also follow the Mur cycle path, which always winds along the Mur and offers numerous fantastic views .

Of course, all hiking enthusiasts will get their money's worth in the Murtal. There is a huge variety of summit as well as pleasure and lake tours . There is a suitable tour for every fitness level. Even for completely inexperienced people, it is no problem to explore the unique Murtal mountain world on Schuster's horse. b

Motorsport and mountain worlds combined

The highlight in the region is undoubtedly the Red Bull Ring . The motorsport race track not only offers you unforgettable driving experiences, but also an impressive vehicle exhibition. Nestled in the lush green of Aichfeld, the Red Bull Ring is considered by many to be the most beautiful motorsport track in the world. In fact, surrounded by the Murtal mountains, it is something very special. Very close to the motorsport race track is the small community of Zeltweg, which you also shouldn't miss. From here you can start on the popular pleasure boat trips . The small community of Spielberg, which is known for its lively cultural scene, is also recommended.

But there is much more that you can experience in the mountains. The Star Tower Planetarium in Judenburg is a highlight, as is the treetop hiking trail in Rachau . By the way, this is the highest treetop hiking trail in all of Europe . Impressive views are guaranteed. The Styrian Fairy Tale Forest is the top destination for families with children. Here you can meet Mrs. Holle, Hansel & Gretel and Snow White up close. If the weather doesn't cooperate, the Oberzeiring mine is one of the first addresses for your holiday planning.

Holiday offers in the Murtal

Would you like to spend a holiday away from mass tourism ? Then you will find many suitable offers in the region. A farm holiday is particularly popular, where you can enjoy nature to the fullest. There are plenty of offers for a farm holiday. Here you can actively participate in country life and indulge in regional delicacies such as Styrian cheese .

Holiday in the middle of nature

Your children will love their farm holiday in the Murtal . Where else can you get so close to the animals and be there during all the work? The holiday farms all offer a surprising amount of proximity to the animals. It is expressly desired that children participate in animal care. There are also plenty of play opportunities for the little ones, so that they will remember their farm holiday for a long time.

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